We help you develop your business from the very beginning. You need to have an idea, a great team, passion and commitment, and a clear vision what you want to achieve.
What can we help you with:
⁃ Fine-tuning your concept
⁃ Validating your business idea
⁃ Finding co-founders
⁃ Business planning
⁃ Fundraising
We can teach you how to form your idea into a successful business plan and how to sell it to any potential investors later on. We have mentored and coached more than 200 teams in the past 15 years so trust us, we know what we are doing!
If you have trouble finding the right VC, using our network of investors and leveraging our expertise, we can make sure you get the right capital that fits your pre-seed or seed phase. We have worked with nearly 20 investors so far, so we know exactly how they think and what they are looking for.
We can help you develop your prototype or MVP and drive you on the road towards success by providing unique solutions for unique problems. Our seasoned and agile team has worked on multiple products and is more than ready to make you succeed!
Do you feel like other startups are ahead of you in terms of innovation and growth? With our corporate incubation program, we can teach your employees a whole different mindset and show them how to exploit the innovation potential of your company.